You Can’t Make This Shit Up

The Vampire, otherwise known as Mrs. Klopek, reared her ugly head two  nights ago.

I was out in the yard with my dog when I heard screaming coming from The Klopek’s yard.  It was dark, except for the blinding backlight coming from a blaring spot light off the back deck.  I saw a shadow running around the house.  The noise that emanated from this creature was primal.  It was a guttural noise.  It sounded as though she was grunting “DIE”, “DIE”, “DIE”.  Then she started speaking in tongues.  An unrecognizable language that belched from her throat like a bull frog with laryngitis.  It continued with retching agony.  Had there been enough illumination on the side of the house I might have seen her head turn 360 degrees on her shoulders.

The noise creeped out my little dog and he scrambled for the door.  I alerted my husband to what was happening and he quickly went outside to witness the exorcism.

Much to my disappointment the show was over as quickly as it had begun.  It’s getting closer to Halloween.  I’m sure the “spirit will move her” once more before the next full moon.